FinalAV Security

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Product Price Qty Total
× Small Business Rolling

1 Month Subscription – 10 Devices

£17.00 / month
£17.00 / month
How does the 30 day free trial work?

When you sign up for one of our contracts, we will not charge your payment card until the first 30 days have gone by. You can cancel any time during the trial period. After the 30 days have lapsed, we will then charge you either monthly or annually depending on the specific package you have selected.

Can I transfer my licences to a new computer?

Yes, you can. The easiest way is to first uninstall our product from the old computer, which releases the license instance, and then install in your new computer. If the old computer crashed and you cannot uninstall, please contact customer support and we will be happy to assist you.

Who do I contact if I have a question about my contract?

You can contact our Customer Support team with technical, billing or any other customer support related questions by either emailing us at

You can contact our Customer Support team with technical, billing or any other customer support related questions by either emailing us at or using our Contact Us form.

Order Summary

Subtotal £14.17 (ex. VAT)
VAT £2.83
Total £17.00
Recurring totals
Subtotal £14.17 / month (ex. VAT)
VAT £2.83 / month
Recurring total £17.00 / month
First payment: February 28, 2025

100% Secure Online Transactions

Secure payment with SSL encryption.