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Installation in 4 Easy Steps

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Download the FinalAV
Anti-Virus Installer

Run the Final AV
Security installer

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Protect your critical business data

Your customer information and contracts and/or your product related intellectual property are your most critical assets. You cannot afford to lose them, or to have to pay ransom to recover them.

Protect your business reputation

If you fail to protect your customers’ data and your own data assets, the reputational damage is likely to impact future sales and possibly drive customer attrition.

Protect your business from regulator fines

Current data protection legislation, most notably the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the UK Data Protection Act, will impose significant financial fines of up to 4% of annual global turnover, and an obligation to disclose breaches.

Protect even your legacy IT assets

Because we support most legacy Windows operating systems, with our solution you can protect even the weakest link in your network. Ultimately, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

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